Meet Our Family

Welcome to Lifebound Properties, I’m looking forward to meeting you. My name is Indea Cotner, I’m the owner of the business. My husband, Adam and I were both raised in Eaton, Ohio where we still live with our two daughters, Ailyne and Joelle. Like many people, we struggled with working jobs that didn’t allow us the time or freedom we needed to raise our children, run a household, and still find time for a social life.

I had been struggling with resentment in my career in healthcare, as I’d grown into a person very different from the person I was when I’d gone to college. I felt a lack of passion and a constant frustration, making it hard to really focus on my work. I felt I was meant for something different.

I had always had an interest in interior design, but it was over the course of many years of taking mental notes of my favorite designs, articles I’d read, investment advice from social media or books, that I slowly came into the realization that Real Estate was exactly what I was looking for.

Over the next couple years, my father and I started going to auctions. At first, our goal was to learn and network. See how auctions worked, how many people were bidding, and what the properties sold for. Eventually we were approached at an auction by someone who recognized us and ended up selling us our first property.

Since then, it’s been a lot of learning and a lot of growing. I’ve learned about what I really enjoy doing. I’m a big fan of Demo day, I enjoy the challenge of laying tile, and I really like the satisfaction in doing woodwork. I’ve made some mistakes, too. I’ve measured once and cut twice (or four times). But from every mistake came an important lesson, a new piece of information that made me a little bit smarter. I’m excited to continue this journey and can’t wait for the opportunity to meet with you.

See you soon.

Learn more about who we are by checking out our Facebook page.